Plagiarism is not advisable. You'll hear a gunshot if we see it happening anywhere.
I wish you’ve never been so sweet, I wish you weren’t too special, I wish you never became my world. The problem is you are. I wish I didn’t know you and I wish I didn’t love you. The problem is I do.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Its amazing how silence could change a person's mood.

; & well, thats just a true statement.
Anyways, I'm here to talk about typical, guys. You see, some guys talk to you because they just want you to be in a relationship with them. When he knows you have a boyfriend, he'll ditch. Like some other bastards who doesn't appreciate friendship.
Last two years, I used to like this guy. A lot. And he did asked me to be his, a few times, but I said no.
Why? 'cause he, was a playboy.
For two years, we lost contact. And I knew him like 5 years ago. No number, no nothing. Until it was facebook, who made us talk again.
After a few days, he knows I'm arguing with my guy. He keeps asking me to be his, again. & he said, he waited for 2 years. Its true. But whats the point if he doesn't want to be just friends. Well, he asked me on the first day of Raya celebration. Again. & he only contacted for at least, 2 weeks. Thats it. You see, my love for Andrew is true. Its uncountable. I can't just say yes because I was arguing with him. I know it was really serious, but still. I still love him with no doubt. So its obvious, I turned that typical guy down. I know, one day we'll contact again. But it'll be a normal conversation. Nothing more. He loves me. But I love him, only as a friend. Not more. I'm sorry but if you can't stay in a friendship, how am I going to trust you in a relationship?

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tears Don't Fall.

"I’m not part of your life anymore, and you’re not part of mine. We both have someone new and we both stopped trying. Today I went out with a friend, and I had fun. I didn’t have to worry about if you’d text back, or if I would ever hear from you again, because I know that you know somewhere deep down that I care about you, and that when and if that time comes, I will be right here waiting for you with open arms. I can honestly say I’ve moved on, and that I’m happy I’ve done so. I want to thank you for making me stronger, and teaching me so much. I want to thank you for being the amazing friend that you were for that period of time, and I want to thank you for letting everything end. Really, thank you. It has helped so much, and soon, I’m going to be happy again. Really happy. And I only have you to thank. <3"

Source - Tumblr.

My sentiments exactly.
And right now, I'm having the best time of my life.

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Dammit boy, wake up already!

 "She yells because she cares; she cries because she’s frustrated. She randomly smiles because she’s thinking of you, even if you’re already there. She scrunches her face because she’s about to explode, not because she’s constipated. She hits you because she wants to touch you. She stares at you because she’s infatuated. She calls every half hour because she misses you. She lectures you because she’s boss, not mom. She kisses you because she just wants to. She asks you questions because she’s curious, not to be annoying. She wants to know where you are to be with you. She calls just to hear your voice. She walks beside you to hold your hand. She sits close to you to lean on your shoulder. She stands in front of you because she wants a hug. Just face it boy; she’s in love with you."

Source - Tumblr. 

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I'll love you till the sky falls down.

2085. I wish we figure out what's wrong before it's too late. We're drifting apart, and I don't know why. 

Source - Tumblr.

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And I wonder, through all this chaos, if you ever think about me.

I hope you do.
Now, why do I get the feeling that you don't?
You woke me up yesterday morning with a text. I was wondering who the hell would wake me up at 8 in the morning. I opened the text and found out that it was you. I scanned through your text several times, just to make sure it was you. It really was you. I was overjoyed that it was you, because we hadn't spoken since Tuesday. I was mad at you. You didn't reply my text and you rejected my goddamn calls. Other calls weren't picked up. You told me you were texting when my call came right up, and when you pressed backspace, you rejected my call. You didn't even apologize. I still wonder who the hell you were texting. It doesn't really matter who the person is. What matters is that you could text that person, but not reply to my text. Congratulations, you were the third person who pissed me off that day. First my parents, then you. You just had to, didn't you? And when I read your text yesterday morning, all you said was, "What happened?". I didn't want you to know, but you kept pushing me, like always, and then I finally told you, but I didn't tell you the whole thing. Thank God I didn't tell you the whole thing. Otherwise it would just mess things up between us more. 

I haven't heard from you since yesterday. I don't want to sound obsessed (which I'm not), but it's just that it sort of feels like it's been ages since you told me that you love me. I know that you do, but sometimes a girl just needs reassurance y'know? 

All I'm trying to say here is, I miss you so much. I want everything to go back to the way it used to be.

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