Plagiarism is not advisable. You'll hear a gunshot if we see it happening anywhere.
I wish you’ve never been so sweet, I wish you weren’t too special, I wish you never became my world. The problem is you are. I wish I didn’t know you and I wish I didn’t love you. The problem is I do.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm yours to keep.

 Love yourself before you even love others.

Then how is it that I don't love myself but I love her very much? It just can't be possible. Truth be told, ever since I was young, I've never loved myself. I guess I just still can't accept the person who I was before, and the person I am now. It's like, my whole life, I've been so disappointed in myself that it doesn't really matter anymore. 

Can it be true, be possible that I can love her so much without even loving myself?

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